Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Fun Image Brain Teaser

You will not get a prize for this little brain tease, except the knowledge that you are super smart, or something like that.

Anyway, tell me what this is a photograph of.

I'm not going to give you any hints.

The image is as taken. That means I did not change the photo in any way.

So any guesses?
This is my first post in a blogspot I began almost a year ago. I have decided to put the random things I write to some use. Even if no one reads what I have to say, at least it is out there. My postings will vary from stories, poems, photography, concerts, music, movies, and things I cook. I thought the title was appropriate (Stories, Poems, and Other Crap), but if anyone has another suggestion for that title or the main title “Fiction or Not” by all means let me know.

I have recently purchased a new camera. It is a pocket size camera, not “professional” by any means, but it has a lot of options that make it unique. My favorite feature is the wide-angle lens. It also provides a few options for very low light situations. I’ve also been having fun with the Macro option, which allows me to take pictures of very small details. It also has a 10 megapixel CCD (charge-coupled device). That fancy jargon just means it takes high quality images.

Here are a few examples:

Low Light and Wide-angle


Low Light

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